Expand your skills and prepare for work in the digital design and development industry. This one year post-graduate certificate provides fundamental skills in web and app development. Graduate ready for entry-level employment in this high opportunity field or ladder seamlessly into either stream of our Post Graduate Diploma with a focus on Web Development or Mobile App Development.
The program webpages contain extensive information about curriculum, admission, highlights, costs and schedule. Please email your question here if you cannot find what you are looking for on the program page. Be sure to note your program of interest in the subject line. Alternatively, you can make an appointment to meet with an advisor through the online booking system.
Studying at NIC helped me to discover my own personal reservoir of creativity and to develop a design thinking mindset. I learnt both design and development and that gives me a unique and balanced perspective on all of my projects. Being able to both code and design provided me with insight into a multitude of potential career possibilities and led to my current position as a web developer.
Natasha Yarmie DIGITAL Design + Development graduate Web Developer, The Update Company