An Instructor at North Island College who’s personal journey towards cultural safety has included:
The development of the advanced Nursing Elective, Health and Wellness in Aboriginal Communities which includes a seven day field school located in a remote First Nations community.
Founding member of the Learning Circles for Aboriginal Nursing on Vancouver Island.
Working with the Wuikinuxv and D’zawada,enuxv First Nations to develop a comprehensive and community responsive nursing services for remote communities on the central coast of Vancouver Island.
A member of the Interprovincial Nurse Educators Cultural Safety Scholarship Group.
Bachelor of Science in Nursing ( University of British Coumbia 1986)
Masters of Continuing Education ( University of Calgary 2001)
Candidate in Dr of Education Culturally Inclusive Place Based learning ( Simon Fraser University)
NUR-175 Consolidated Practice Experience I
NUR-302 Relational Practice III: Connecting Across Difference
NUR-313 Professional Practice IV: Nursing Inquiry
NUR-314 Nursing Practice VI: Promoting Health of Communities and Society
NUR-404 Nursing Practice VII: Engaging in Leadership
NUR-410 Health And Wellness in First Nations Communities
Cash, P., Moffitt, P., Fraser, J., Grewal, S., Holmes, V., Mahara, S., & Nagel, D. (2013). Writing reflexively to illuminate the meanings in cultural safety. Reflective Practice, 14(6), 825-839.
Fraser, J. & Voyageur, E. (in press). Crafting culturally safe learning spaces: A story of collaboration between an educational institution and two First Nation communities: The Engaged Scholar.
09/2001- present: Nurse Educator in the BSN program at North Island College with a focus on Nursing Leadership, Community Empowerment, Health promotion, Aboriginal Health and Relational practice. Development of NUR 410 Health and Wellness in Aboriginal Communities.
11/ 2008- 03/ 2011: Nursing Consultant A’eka-lixl - TULA Foundation
Working with the Wuikinuxv and D’zawada,enuxv First Nations to develop A’eka-lixl, a health program that is wellness focused, action oriented and community led.
03/2001 to 07/2001 Diabetes Initiative Consultant- Kwakuitl District Council Health Office
Development and delivery of diabetes health program with eight First Nation communities on Vancouver Island.
03/1999-12/2000 Nurse with Hiada Gwaii Community Health Council.
Multiple nursing roles, primarily responsible for the implementation and development of the Diabetes Outreach Program and the Adult Day Program for Haida Gwaii
1991 - 1998 Assistant Continuing Care Manager and Health Services for Community Living Nurse (HSCL Nurse) Upper Island Health Unit Continuing Care Ministry of Health Campbell River and Mt. Waddington
The views and opinions expressed here are those of the featured faculty member. These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of North Island College.