NIC's Leadership Team consists of dedicated individuals focused on student success. Led by NIC President and CEO Lisa Domae, the team works with the Education Team and Operations Team to support NIC's strategic planning goals and realize NIC's vision to deliver BC's best individualized education and training experience by 2026.
Key Documents
Strategic Planning Documents
Employees can find meeting minutes on the Leadership Team pages on myNIC.
Leadership Team Members
NIC is the most caring community of people who are passionate about student success. Everyday, I am inspired by NIC employees' commitment to students.
Lisa Domae, President and CEO, NIC
Contact Lisa:
Executive Assistant, Leadership Team
Emily Haagerup
Lisa has worked at NIC since 2000 in a variety of roles and became NIC’s sixth president in 2021. She is responsible to NIC’s Board of Governors to provide overall leadership and management of the college. The detailed duties of the president are set out in the BC Colleges and Institutes Act, NIC Board bylaws and policies and the president’s job description, as approved by the board. Aside from her work at NIC, Lisa enjoys reading, writing and spending quality time with her family.
I am proud to work at a college that provides high quality education as well as being an accessible pathway for learners.
Tony Bellavia, Vice President, Academic
Contact Tony:
Executive Assistant
Laurie Gibson
Tony holds shared responsibility for the academic division, including the decanal areas, Indigenous Education, International Education, the Centre for Teaching and Learning Innovation, Continuing Education and Training, the Centre for Applied Research, Technology and Innovation, Work-Integrated Learning and regional campuses. He has worked at NIC since 2010. Outside of NIC, Tony enjoys staying active and fit and "continuing to think I’m young while playing soccer."
I feel very privileged and proud to be part of a vibrant college community that works diligently to support every student towards achieving success.
Kathleen Kuhnert, Vice President, Students & Community Engagement
Contact Kathleen:
Executive Assistant, Leadership Team
Amber Neumann
Kathleen’s areas of responsibility include college-wide student services, including the leadership of the office of the registrar, student affairs, community engagement and future students (including marketing and NIC Foundation). Aside from her work at NIC over many years, Kathleen enjoys spending time with her family, exploring outdoors, travelling and reading.
I feel fortunate to be part of a team that is so responsive to the needs of our students. It is truly a privilege to work at North Island College.
Colin Fowler, Vice President, Finance & College Services
Contact Colin:
Executive Assistant, Leadership Team
Emily Haagerup
Colin’s areas of responsibility include finance and budgets, facilities management, occupational health and safety, information technology, and purchasing, print and retail services, which includes college-wide purchasing, the bookstores and the college print shop. Aside from his work at NIC, Colin enjoys fishing and boating, spending time out on the water along our beautiful Island coastline.
It is rewarding to work in a leadership role in an organization where I can contribute to a positive employment and academic environment for our students, employees and the communities we serve.
Ken Crewe, Associate Vice President, People, Equity & Inclusion
Contact Ken
Executive Assistant & HR Projects
Alena Barner
250-334-5000 ext 4222
Ken leads NIC in hiring, retaining and supporting talented and engaged staff and faculty and implementing diversity, equity and inclusion strategy and initiatives. His areas of responsibility include strategic and operational leadership of human resources, employee and labour relations, human resource policy development and contract administration, recruitment and selection, performance management and compensation, benefits and pension administration. Outside of NIC, Ken likes to camp, fish and spend time with family and friends.
Melanie Allison, Director, College Governance & Strategy
Mel is responsible for the oversight of NIC's leadership groups and governance bodies as NIC works to implement its strategic plan. In her work to keep NIC transparent and accountable, Mel also oversees the development and stewardship of NIC's policy and procedure framework, including NIC's Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy practices and NIC's enterprise risk management register. When she is not at work, you can find Mel exploring local trails and cold water swimming.
Associate Members
Casey Black, Chief Information Officer and Executive Director, Education Technologies & Data Management
Information on compensation for senior employees is available on the Reporting page.