Operations Team

The Operations Team (OT) is a cross-divisional decision-making body that furthers the progress of college-wide services to staff, faculty and learners. It provides leadership, direction and strategic advice to identify operational needs, opportunities and future directions through the President and Leadership Team.

Key Documents

Operations Team Members

Colin Fowler
Colin Fowler, Vice President, Finance & College Services
Executive Assistant: Emily Haagerup, emily.haagerup@nic.bc.ca, 250-334-5270
Tony Bellavia
Tony Bellavia, Vice President, Academic
Executive Assistant: Laurie Gibson, laurie.gibson@nic.bc.ca
Kathleen Kuhnert
Kathleen Kuhnert, Vice President, Students & Community Engagement
Executive Assistant: Amber Neumann, amber.neumann@nic.bc.ca
Ken Crewe
Ken Crewe, Associate Vice President, People, Equity & Inclusion
Administrative Assistant: Alena Barner, alena.barner@nic.bc.ca
Neil Cruickshank
Neil Cruickshank, Dean, Faculty of Arts, Science & Management
Administrative Assistants: Stacey Hartman, stacey.hartman@nic.bc.ca and Claire Frank, claire.frank@nic.bc.ca
Kathleen Haggith
Kathleen Haggith, Associate Vice President, College Experience
Cheryl O’Connell
Cheryl O’Connell, Dean, Faculty of Trades & Technical Programs
Administrative Assistant: Laurie Mossop, laurie.mossop@nic.bc.ca
Michelle Badger
Michelle Badger, Registrar
Administrative Assistant: Cindy Greenhill, cindy.greenhill@nic.bc.ca
Casey Black
Casey Black, CIO & ED, Education Technologies & Data Management, Information Technology
Bryan Yells, Director, Facilities, Safety and Security
Sue Fleck, Director, Finance
Melanie Allison
Melanie Allison, Director, College Governance & Strategy
Craig Whitton, Director, Student Affairs
Administrative Assistant: Cynthia Sklarchuk, cynthia.sklarchuk@nic.bc.ca
Danean Gray, Manager, Human Resources & Employee Services
Graysann Bottomley, Manager, Occupational Health & Safety
Jan Meiers, Dean, Health & Human Services
Administrative Assistant: Barb Cousens, barbara.cousens@nic.bc.ca
Melanie Nagy, Associate Director, Community & Public Affairs
Alana Definney, Manager, Leadership Team Operations