NIC now a Red Cross Instructor Development Centre

NIC is now offering First Aid & CPR Instructor courses to train more First Aid instructors on the North Island. The next instructor training course runs April 15 to 18 at NIC’s Comox Valley campus.

The North Island’s future Red Cross First Aid instructors now have a place close to home to work toward their certification, thanks to NIC becoming a Red Cross Instructor Development Centre.

NIC is the only post-secondary on Vancouver Island and the Lower Mainland to be designated development centre, and the only one serving the North Island. Previously, people would have to travel to Victoria to be certified

“Having dedicated development centres ensures our instructor candidates get consistent, high quality training,” said Ada Chan, first aid program representative for the Canadian Red Cross, Western Zone. “It also ensures instructor candidates receive support through the entire process as they go through the steps to become an instructor and when they recertify in the future.”

NIC lead first aid instructor, Ernie Payne, will be teaching the new instructor training courses.

“Being associated with Red Cross is beneficial because it’s an organization that people recognize,” said Payne. “They know they’re getting high-quality instruction from reputable organizations like Red Cross and NIC.”

There’s also a big demand for instructors who can travel and train onsite, noted Payne.

“I’ve found the most effective way to teach people first aid is to go to job sites and workplaces,” said Payne. “The biggest thing with first aid is comfort – being comfortable with the skills you’re learning and the equipment you’ll be using. If you start in an environment where people are already comfortable, it makes it easier for them to absorb the information. Plus, you can also use examples that are relevant for students in terms of their work environment.”

Instructor training focuses on being able to articulate information clearly, answering questions and making information relatable. “Most new instructor candidates are nervous when they start out,” said Payne. “It’s amazing to see the progression people make as they learn to instruct and knowing the impact they’ll have on the students they’ll go on to teach.”

Having some level of first aid training is valuable no matter your age or where you work, noted Payne. “People think of first aid as this big, complex thing, but anyone can do it,” said Payne. “Whether it’s putting on a bandage or clearing someone’s airway if they’re choking. I think people would be surprised at how little effort it takes to help someone in need.”

The Red Cross Instructor First Aid & CPR course runs April 15 to 18 at the Comox Valley campus.

For more information, visit or call 1-800-715-0914.

Media Contact
Christiana Wiens
Media Liaison, North Island College
O. 250-334-5280 | M. 250-218-4097

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