North Island College’s current and future research projects are designed to meet the unique needs and challenges of the communities we serve by bringing together NIC faculty experts, student researchers and research funding. Learn more about our current projects here.
Serving the seaweed sector with expertise, innovation services and skills training.
Using virtual reality technology to generate social innovation in rural Indigenous communities
Assessing low-cost ocean sensors
Developing high-value BC Kelp Food Products while addressing methods for processing
Learn about the development of innovative kelp farming systems that reduce plastic infrastructure
This project seeks to address systemic racism and promote health equity for Indigenous people
NIC partnered with Kwiakah First Nation to create a detailed map and measurements of wild kelp
Seaweed experts chat about their work in the kelp world.
Telling the stories of Japanese migrants to Campbell River.
“Walk With Me” aims to uncover the human dimensions of the toxic drug poisoning crisis in small B.C. communities.
First pre-commercialization research on geoduck on the Central Coast.
This project will analyze the degradation of polymer anti-predator netting used in shellfish aquaculture around the Comox Valley.
Automating micro-adjustments to the fermentation process for a local distillery.
This project will support the surge in gardening as a means to address food insecurity challenges
This project supports the resurgence and restoration of Kwakwaka̱’wakw pedagogy and methodology encoded in Kwak’wala
The research team will design, build, and test a prototype to flip oyster pouches
Design and prototype a new oyster grow-out system
Research project to determine how prevalent forage fish eggs are specific beaches
Exploring and developing containment methods for growth of sea cucumbers in British Columbia
Processing raw kelp to obtain shelf-stability
Researching the effects of adding seaweed to cattle feed
Development of kelp habitat banks for the British Columbia forestry sector
Evaluating an immersive learning collaboration between students and remote First Nations communities
Exploring the feasibility of kelp farming at four aquaculture sites off the west coast of Vancouver Island
NIC purchases equipment to assist the shellfish growers’ members in BC
Investigating the roles of health service providers in providing culturally relevant primary health care
The economical and environmental benefits of kelp aquaculture
Third and fourth year student volunteers work with medical residents to meet the needs of deteriorating simulated patients
Learn about some of the past research projects we’ve been involved with.
Research on the impacts of salmon aquaculture on hard seabeds
An initiative to develop and maximize local supply chains with Food, Environment and Economic Development (FEED) Comox Valley
Four projects focused on learnings from the health care sector
Providing students and educators with high-quality online labs in real time
Investigating salmon farm infrastructure as an artificial reef
Mapping eelgrass in the Comox Estuary and contributing to blue carbon research
Researchers investigated different types of anti-predator netting to protect oyster seed
BSN faculty developed an unfolding clinical case to provide a framework for teaching psychomotor skills in the nursing lab
An Investigation into 10 years of co-facilitating a Nursing Field school held in the remote Wuikinuxv and Dzawada’enuxw Territories’
Exploring Indigenous leadership through the lens of language
Developing new rapid screening tools for viruses in oysters
Researching seaweed aquaculture and impacts on climate change
Third and fourth year BSN student tutors mentor student peers
Investigating innovative strategies to mitigate ocean acidification at shellfish hatcheries