Campbell River Eldercollege Search Results

The information below will link to Instant Enrolment for further course detail, but registering for a course WILL NOT WORK until Registration opens (announcement via email) at each respective campus.

CR ElderCollege Membership


ElderCollege membership for Campbell River courses is an annual membership that covers the academic year from September 1 to August 31 . NOTE: CREC does not run courses during the period of June 1 to August 31. By requesting membership with ElderCollege, I understand the membership fee is non-refundable; I consent to NIC releasing my personal information to the ElderCollege Executive Committee and its subcommittees, for the purposes of course registration/notification, and in supporting ElderCollege volunteer activities.

Section Location Dates Cost
CREC-0001-CRS1 CR Jun 30 $10.00

Erasing the Numbers


When someone dies, those who are left behind must tie up the loose ends -- erase the numbers. And there are a lot of them, many unique to the individual who's died, many no one else even knows or thinks about. Simplify the closure process for your family by learning how to make a to- do list of people and places to notify, complete with the numbers that need erasing. Note: Bring a pen and paper to class Course Leader: KRISTIN BUTCHER

Section Location Dates Cost
CREC-5702-CRS2 CR Nov 21-Nov 28 $20.00

Spotlight on Ageism


Ageism is highly prevalent and the most socially accepted and tolerated form of discrimination in Canada. It is based on someone's age and, like sexism or racism, is discrimination. It can occur at any point in our lifespan - regardless of how old we are - and may lead to others making judgements about our background, capability, mental or physical status, based only on their impression of our age. Course Leader: CHERYL STINSON

Section Location Dates Cost
CREC-5731-CRS1 CR Nov 21 $15.00