Comox Valley Eldercollege Search Results

The information below will link to Instant Enrolment for further course detail, but registering for a course WILL NOT WORK until Registration opens (announcement via email) at each respective campus.

CV ElderCollege Membership


ElderCollege membership Comox Valley is an annual membership from September 1 to August 31. CVEC does not run courses during the period of May 1 to August 31. By requesting membership with ElderCollege, I understand the membership fee is non-refundable; I consent to NIC releasing my personal information to the ElderCollege Executive Committee and its subcommittees, for the purposes of course registration/notification, and in supporting ElderCollege volunteer activities.

Section Location Dates Cost
CVEC-0001-CVS1 CV Apr 30 $20.00

Introduction to Home Gardening


During the first session, you will describe your personal experience with and aspirations for gardening. Once course takeaways are identified, everyone will explore possible ideas for a course project. The course aims to include water conservation, small space gardening, landscaping basics, soil prep, offseason care, plants good for wildlife (bees, hummingbirds, butterflies), native plants to the area, and general upkeep. Course Leader: CURTIS LITZENBERGER

Introduction to Scratchboard


Learn the art of scratchboard: This black and white art medium involves scratching into the black ink surface of a clay-coated board/paper with a scratching tool. Using two different scratching tips, we will explore methods of mark making, creating textures, hatching and crosshatching, and complete a few small projects. All course materials/handouts will be provided ($15 for materials added at registration). Course Leader: HEATHER SOOS

Artist Talk: Peter Shostak


Peter shares his artistic journey of the past 44 years with examples of his art reflecting memories of growing up on the prairies in the late 1940s and 1950s. This retrospective includes some of the 50 paintings of his major work, "For Our Children," exhibited across Canada. Participants will enjoy the stories behind the many paintings inspired by these memories and by his Ukrainian heritage.

Artist Talk: Dean Bauche


This talk is a story of discovery. It examines how creativity has offered Dean a life-giving and secure place to grow; how mentors well beyond his artistic practice formed and influenced his journey; how his practice as a painter opened him to other artists, writers, and poets and how his art has been influenced and shaped by a fascination with the human spirit, our struggle, and sense of place.

Paths to Artful Living


Discover why people believe they are unable to draw. This course is a four-step process that teaches you how to see in order to draw, design and paint simple watercolours. You will gain understanding and confidence through demonstrations, and individual and group activities. Explore foundational concepts in art and discover how emotion underlies design and colour theory. For beginners through intermediate, the content applies to growth in any medium.  Course Leader: DEAN BAUCHE

How to Draw Like a Viking


A strong connection between Celtic and Norse design was facilitated by trade and the exchange of ideas even during conflicts. The symmetrical geometric patterning of the Celts was abandoned as the Norse artists embraced a freer form, while maintaining the interweaving design. Learning to draw using these elements provides a pleasurable, meditative and accessible drawing practice, like the contemplative quality of Zentangles. Course Leader: KRISTINA CAMPBELL

Some of Our Favourite Films


Six of the presenters' favourite films that have stayed in their hearts and minds over the years because they were beautiful, startling or opened up new vistas for them. Among others, screen and discuss 'The Ruling Class' with Peter O'Toole, 'Being There' with Peter Sellers, and 'Rules of the Game' by Jean Renoir. Course Leaders: BRIAN CHARLTON and LINDA BRUNE

Shakespeare in Film


Watch the presenter's favourite versions of filmed Shakespeare plays as he wrote them, as well contemporary versions. The films include "Romeo and Juliet", "Taming of the Shrew" (both an original and a contemporary version), two versions of "Much Ado About Nothing," and Orson Welles's "Chimes at Midnight" featuring Welles as Falstaff. There will be time for welcome discussion following the films. Course Leader: KAY KENNEDY

Nietzsche's Musical Life


Few great philosophers had a closer connection with music than Friedrich Nietzsche. He was a fine pianist, composed music from age fourteen, and wrote on many musical subjects throughout his productive life. This talk considers Nietzsche's stormy friendship with composer Richard Wagner, providing insight into the musical qualities of his famous poetic-philosophical work, "Thus Spoke Zarathustra," and describes its influence on such later composers as Gustav Mahler and Richard Strauss. Course Leader: NICOLAS KRUSEK

Introduction to Jazz


A survey of jazz repertoire, form and history spanning the approximate time period of 1900 to the 1990s. Topics explored include the roots and development of jazz, the main periods and styles of jazz, lives of important jazz artists and composers, basic Blues form, basic forms of jazz standards, and significant concurrent historical events. Course Leader: BONNIE BRETT

Maintain Your Singing Voice


Participate in vocal exercises designed to extend vocal range and to project your voice both in volume and in energy through intentional focus. This course is especially beneficial for members of choirs. A few with voice problems owing to health concerns have also benefited.  The course will be held at Berwick Comox Valley. OLIVER CLARKE

Five from Flanders 


An exploration of fascinating painters of the Flemish Renaissance including Jan van Eyck, Rogier van der Weyden, Hans Memling, Hugo van der Goes and Hieronymus Bosch. The course deals with the innovative approaches of the place and time: the use of oils, glowing colours, decorative detail, portrayal of emotion, and fantasy representation. Participants will be encouraged to discuss their own reactions to the art presented. Course Leader: JOHN BLACK

Westcoast Women Playwrights


Explore the scripts of four Canadian women playwrights who have set their scripts on the west coast.  Each week we will analyze a play from these award-winning playwrights: Marie Clements, Joan McLeod, Carmen Aguirre, and Dorothy Dittrich. We will read excerpts together, and discuss the staging, the themes, and audience response. Students will receive a list  of scripts to download, purchase (cost ~$50) and read before class. Course Leader: Annie Smith

Spotlight on Valley Authors


Come hear the joys and challenges of writing from members of the Comox Valley Writers Society. This two-session course will feature published novelists and prolific non-fiction authors including Marlet Ashley, Sylvia Bourgeois, Ian Kennedy and Christine Dickinson. Both sessions will be facilitated by Stewart Goodings, past chair of the Denman Island Readers and Writers Festival, and Sharon McInnes, president of the Comox Valley Writers Society.

Ups & Downs of Author-hood


The local published author of Release Your Inner Wild will share her year-long book-writing experience and process from inception to marketing, including the ups, downs, lessons, and what she might do differently in the future. This course will include a Q&A session so bring your curious minds. Course Leader: DANA MAHON

Writers' Workshop


This is a hands-on course in which participants are invited to share their writing in whatever form with others and receive gentle feedback and encouragement.  No formal instruction. Course Leaders: MARVIN HAAVE/IAN MCINTYRE

Crafting True Narratives


A course on writing creative nonfiction, from reported stories to memoir. This workshop-style course is divided into two parts. The first outlines our tools: research, interview, immersion, and memory. The second part discusses craft: structure, dialogue, POV, and specific details. Expect to read and submit feedback on one participant's story each week. Expect to write one 2000-word story in this course. Small class size. Course Leader: DAVE FLAWSE

Fundamentals of Photography


This is non-technical look at how to improve your photographic composition. Although many of the concepts presented apply to adjustable cameras, concepts are also pertinent to point-and-shoot cameras and phone cameras. Students should be familiar with the basic operations of their own camera and should bring it to each class. A tripod is useful but not mandatory. There will be three field trips. Course Leader: NORMAN MATHEW

Carrying Debt into Retirement


As the cost of living has increased dramatically our ability to live the life we are accustomed to has become increasingly difficult. In this interactive seminar we will discuss the financial and legal options that exist for carrying debt into retirement. Our presenters have expertise in brokering mortgages and helping clients with their financial and estate planning Course Leaders: LYLE CARLSTROM and KEN GRANT

Role of the Executor


You will learn the role of the executor in BC estate administration law from a practicing estate administration lawyer. We will discuss factors to consider before you accept or assign the appointment as an executor. We will address practical steps to be taken upon a will-maker's death, and the executor's rights and responsibilities in fulfilling their wishes. Optional printed materials to help with document organization will be available for purchase. Course Leader: LYLE CARLSTROM

Cloud Drives: Lifting the Fog


What's all the hype about internet cloud drives? Would it be wise to store your photos, documents, and other files there-or not? How do they work, and how easy are they to set up and use? This course will answer these questions and demonstrate cloud drive services from Microsoft (OneDrive), Google (Drive), and Apple (iCloud). You may be already using one and not even realize it! Course Leaders:TERRY HOOPER and ROGER TAYLOR

Repel Hacks, Hoaxes, Scams


Is that email real or fake? How about that warning I received? What about these phone calls I am receiving? Is this really my friend contacting me on Facebook? Why are my friends all getting messages from me that I didn't send? Is it safe to buy online? Be informed so you can answer these questions and better protect yourself when using email, the internet, and even your phone! Course Leader: TERRY HOOPER

Living Consciously


We explore five fundamental elements of living consciously: What really matters, knowledge of self, gratitude, kindness, and choice. Each class will include experiential exercises. You can expect quite a bit of interaction with other students. Weekly homework assignments are an important component of the course. There is no required reading. Course Leader: LEON HAWRYLENKO

Universal Devotional Chanting


The educational and devotional benefit of this course is the realization that all traditions are based in the same spirit. Like yoga, devotional chanting unites us with the essential energy of the universe found in nature, which may be called God, Tao, Buddha, or the Great Creator. All are encouraged to participate, and all levels of singing ability are welcome. $3+/- collected in class to cover the cost of materials supplied by the course leader. OLIVER CLARKE

Introduction to Meditation


Mindfulness calms the mind, decreases stress, anxiety and your inner critic. It fosters clarity of the mind and increases resilience, better sleep and self-regulation, and nurtures wisdom and compassion. This workshop provides basic instructions practicing mindfulness of breathing and body. Course Leader: JULIE BLAIS

Astrology Charts


Learn how to begin to read your own chart. We will get hands on: finding, learning and understanding the planets, placements, and energies in your chart.  There will be time to explore, ask questions and begin to understand how your natal astrological chart works. You will need the date, time and place of your birth. We will explore the adage, "as above, so below." Course Leader: ALLAN VONKEMAN

How to Be Younger


Come and learn how to stay young! Find out why it's important to get off the couch and move more. Learn how to safely start and progress an exercise program that will improve flexibility, strength and cardiovascular condition. (This course was previously entitled Exercise for Older Adults.) Course Leader: KEN REDL

Scenic Hikes 1


Pack a lunch and come for a hike! Revisit the familiar and perhaps discover some new trails. We will be travelling once a week as far south as Bowser and north to Campbell River. We will carpool when necessary. These hikes have variable terrain and are not suitable for those with mobility issues. Our six- to nine-kilometre hikes may often go over three hours. No dogs, please! Course Leader: TED GRAINGER

Scenic Hikes 2


Hikes are moderate to challenging, some elevation changes, uneven  root bound trails. Good footwear & walking poles recommended. Mobility/health challenged  individuals will find these hikes too difficult. A signed accident/injury waiver is required. Campbell River to Qualicum Beach. Hiking/travel times vary (weather dependent), 3 - 4+ hours, 5 - 7+ kms. We visit forest trails worth seeing (& revisiting). Many have water features. All have views. Please, no dogs. Course Leader: JOHN BIEHL

X-country Skiing/Snowshoeing


Join the facilitator for an afternoon of either cross-country skiing or snowshoeing, depending on weather and snow conditions. Having at least basic skills in either or both sports is required. Plan to improve your skills and stamina as you marvel at the winter landscape. A great option if you are reluctant to get out on the trails alone. PAT GRAPPOLINI

Seniors And Functional Movement


This course uses a modified version of the Functional Movement System developed by Gray Cook. Learn how we develop movement and movement patterns. Work together through a seven-step movement screen to determine your own function and then take away simple home exercises to correct dysfunctions. Course Leader: IRENE BORECKY

Osteopathy & Seniors


This is an introduction to the practice of osteopathy-- a manual therapy that uses gentle techniques to treat the body as a whole. Changes that occur with aging may mean that some traditional approaches are not suitable for an older individual. Osteopathy is a safe method to help mobility, communication, and function within joints, the nervous system, the circulation system, the digestive system, etc. Course Leader: IRENE BORECKY

Graceful Aging & Self-Care


While aging is inevitable, graceful aging is when we take preventative steps to support our future selves. Discuss what things you can do now by eating the right foods, taking key supplements, and prioritizing self care for your mind, body, and emotions. Course Leader: SHAWN PETERS

Age in Place


Navigating the options for subsidized and private care is complex. We will explain choices open to BC residents but focus on preparing your home to safely stay. By planning, you can age-proof your home and feel confident that you are doing your best. This helps give you control, a plan, as well as a defence for worried family who want you to be safe or move. Course Leader: VALERIE WIENS

Re-Imagining Long-term Care


Review the new long-term care village in Comox and how Providence Living is reinventing senior's care by creating a home for residents. This is a move away from a typical institutional model of care to a social-relational model. Residents are invited to direct their own care, enhancing a normal lifestyle with freedom of movement and access to the outdoors. Course Leader: SHARON PARKES

Making Meaning As We Age


Psychologists say elderhood is about making meaning of our lives, but how? Using the tools of depth psychology and spirituality, we will explore doing this inner work, with some teaching, and with meaningful small group discussion. Topics will include moving from hero to elder, life review (and repair), giving back, and life completion. No answers will be provided. That work is yours. There may be good questions though. Course Leader: ROBERT MCDONALD

Navigating Dementia


Feeling challenged by the journey of dementia? Struggling to find ways to support and care for a friend or family member living with dementia? Join an independent dementia trainer and consultant to discuss, learn and practice new skills to add to your toolbox in a safe, non-judgemental/non-medical environment. Until there's a cure, there's a care. Course Leader: HEATHER MCLEOD

Natural Dementia Prevention


According to the Alzheimer Society of Canada, 124,000 Canadians were diagnosed with dementia in 2020. That's a staggering number. There are many causes and types of dementia, including vascular dementia and Alzheimer's disease. While there is no cure, there are factors that can be addressed to reduce your risk. The presenter, a naturopathic doctor, aims to help you identify risk factors and present options to address these.  Course Leader: SHAWN PETERS

What is an End of Life Plan?


Explore a variety of topics that can be included in end-of-life planning to support you and your loved ones today and tomorrow. Course Leader: KRISTA MANUEL

Managing Human Relationships


The emphasis of this course is on the word 'managing.' The one thing in life we can't avoid are relationships. Even when we are alone, we're in relationship with our thoughts and feelings. This course will help us to be more conscious of how we relate to self and others. Optional text: $20. Course Leader: KATHLEEN ANN KELLY

Enneagram Personality Theory


This is a small group interactive course that studies nine different personality types, each with its own ways of thinking, feeling, and acting. Each type has its own strengths and challenges, as well as inner motivations. Taking this course will increase your understanding  and compassion for self and others. There will be Enneagram teachings, meditation, music, poetry and opportunity for self-reflection through journaling and conversation. Optional $20 text book. Course Leader: DK BEITEL



The first two classes are about what life is made of: the molecules that animate life, including the protein and RNA molecules that make life tick. The next six classes are on bacteria, cells, plants, fungi, animals, and viruses. Life is intelligent at all levels - from molecules to single cells to multicellular life forms like you. Knowing more about your place in the biosphere will bring you closer to nature. Course Leader: THIERRY VRAIN

Journey into the Mystical


Explore practices and teachings of Kabbalah, Animism and other spiritual traditions in this teaching and discussion group with a maximum of 16 participants. Bring your curiosity, your questions and be prepared to challenge your own beliefs. Course Leader: Allan Vonkeman

Great Trip - Compelling Story


Discuss components of meaningful travel memoir and develop creative nonfiction writing skills in this collaborative workshop. The importance of journaling, steady writing practice, professional editing and publishing options are explored. Participants bring a favourite adventure tale and begin the process of creating a compelling written account. For those wishing to share, we peer review our works in progress. There are some short non-compulsory home assignments. Course Leader: KIM LETSON

Dutch History to 1830


Explore the origins and development of an important European nation state, with an emphasis on the political, economic and cultural significance of Dutch society, how it emerged as a republic and became the leading world power in the 17th Century. We will trace its diminishing role in international politics and conclude with its conversion into a Monarchy after the Napoleonic Wars. Course Leader: JOHN STERK

Dutch Monarchy After 1830


Explore the creation and development of an important European monarchy, how it emerged as an arbiter of international disputes, how it became an important member of the European community, and how it enacted world-leading progressive social legislation in the 20th and 21st Centuries. Course Leader: JOHN STERK

Diggers of the Ancient World


Put on your pith helmets and hiking boots! This course examines the archaeological adventures of Heinrich Schliemann at Mycenae and Troy, Sir Arthur Evans at Knossos, Sir Leonard Woolley at Ur, and Howard Carter in Egypt (King Tut). The legends of the diggers themselves rival those of Indiana Jones, and what they found is even more spectacular. Lots of pictures and stories to match! Course Leader: JIM MOSCOVICH

Home Solar PV Systems


Why are so many Comox Valley homeowners choosing to go solar? Explore how residential solar PV systems work, how they are connected to your home and the BC Hydro grid and how they generate value for you and the community. Course Leader: NICK FIELDING

Tales of an EV Purchase


In March 2024, after the presenter had purchased an electric vehicle in January, a friend called and asked 13 questions about the pre-purchase, purchase, and post-purchase. We talked about my personal experiences, starting in January 2023, of deciding, choosing, sourcing, negotiating, waiting, accepting, accessorizing, and the real-world use of an electric vehicle. This presentation is based on that two-hour call. Information sharing - not a debate. Interested in an EV purchase tale? Course Leader: TERRY HOOPER

Car Care


Drawing on his extensive experience with over 100 cars, comprising 20 manufacturers, 8 on road breakdowns, and several upgrade projects, Don will take you from one end of the vehicle to the other and guide you from headlights to exhaust systems. This course will help in purchasing, maintaining or upgrading a car. The course is part physics, part automotive mechanics, part YouTube with anecdotes from Don's considerable experience gained over the years. Course Leader: DONALD SKOGSTAD

Railway Wars


The incredible history of the battles between the Great Northern Railway controlled by Canadian James J. Hill and the Canadian Pacific Railway controlled by American Thomas Shaughnessy for supremacy in the war to win over the railway and steamship  transportation of mining riches in the southern Interior of British Columbia from 1890 to 1920. Course Leader: DONALD SKOGSTAD

Bridge - Intermediate Bidding


This course provides participants with additional bidding tools such as popular conventions, cue bids, and helpful doubles. It is applicable to those who have played bridge for a few years and have a solid understanding of bridge basics. Course Leader: GARY PRIESTMAN

Bridge - Introduction to Modern Bidding


There are two phases in every bridge game:  bidding, and playing the cards. This course looks at the modern approach to bidding. It is applicable to individuals who have never played or those players who are returning to the game after a few years away. Course Leader: GARY PRIESTMAN

Bridge: Play the Hand


There are two phases in every bridge game:  bidding, and playing the cards. This course offers strategies for both playing the hand and for defending the hand. It is applicable to individuals who have never played or those players who are returning to the game after a few years away. Course Leader: GARY PRIESTMAN

Wordplay: Fearless Poetry


Poems live all around us and inside us, waiting to be expressed. We'll mine dynamic ways to source your wild mind to write free verse, explore the magical possibilities that arise through the use of meter, rhythm, rhyme and structured poetry forms, and share take-home assignments aloud during the subsequent class. Poets, the poetry curious at all levels of experience and repeat students are all welcome. Course Leader: DIANA KOLPAK

Beyond the Wall


The rise and fall of the GDR (German Democratic Republic/East Germany) as seen by someone who saw a divided Germany and then a united Germany after the wall fell. Course Leader: MIKE JOSS

Salmon in the Comox Valley


An in-class introduction to the salmon species in our waters, their conservation status, and the threats they face followed by a field trip to examine current techniques for salmon restoration and enhancement. Depending on availability, the off-campus session may be at a hatchery or along a stream where fish habitat has been restored. Course Leader: JOHN NEILSON

Energy Production


Review two forms of energy production: energy for the transportation sector (gasoline and diesel), and energy for residential use (electricity). Learn about the processes needed to extract and convert crude oil into transportation fuels and the range of production of electricity from nuclear to wind and solar. Course Leader: GIORGIO GRAPPOLINI

Stars, Time and the Cold War


A brief exploration of the understanding and the role of measuring the position of stars and developing accurate clocks to permit ocean going exploration, trade and war.  Includes showing how these tools were vital to the Royal Canadian Navy's role during the Cold War years of the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. Course Leader: CHRIS COTTLE

Buddy, can you spare a dime?


This course takes an in-depth look at the Great Depression beyond the stock market crash of 1929. It examines the origins and causes of the depression, its geographical scope, its impact on business and individuals, the steps taken to mitigate its effects, and the eventual reasons it came to an end. A footnote will be a discussion on whether a depression of this magnitude could occur again.

Modern Chinese Legal System


Review the legal system of China from the overthrow of Qing dynasty in 1911 to the existing legal system, including the Republican period from 1911 to 1949, the influence of the Soviet model from 1949 through the Cultural Revolution, and the development of "rule by law," as opposed to "rule of law" from 1979 through 2021. Course Leader: CLIVE ANSLEY

Island Life II


There's something unique about living on an Island. In these six lectures we'll continue to sample the enormous variety of life on Vancouver Island. From appreciating the unique challenges - and opportunities - of living here, to understanding some of the wildlife we share it with. Bears, fish, earth, sea, the past and the future - all are part of our second look at Island Life.

Rescue to Release


Aaron (and an animal ambassador) will take us behind the scenes at MARS, the Wildlife Rescue Centre, where sick, injured and orphaned animals are cared for and ultimately released back into the wild. Course Leader: AARON SCHMIDT

Travelling Close to Home


Quintessence is the perfect example of something, and this is certainly true of the area in which we live. This presentation is not a travelogue in the true sense, but rather as a pho-torial about why it is so important to protect what nature has provided for us. Course Leader: NORMAN MATHEW

Saving Bear Heaven


To protect grizzly bears, we have to protect their habitat. Wayne will talk about the scientific research and campaigns spearheaded by the Valhalla Wilderness Society (VWS), First Nations and others that have led to the protection of over 800,000 hectares of new parks and conservancies in BC in the coastal and interior rainforests; and why it is so important to protect large landscapes as core areas for grizzly bears, spirit bears, mountain caribou and other species. Course Leader: WAYNE MCCRORY

Island Shift: A new Lifestyle


This lecture examines the challenges and rewards of trading city "convenience" for a quieter, more nature-oriented lifestyle. Discover how this transition can lead to improved quality of life and a deeper connection with community and environment. Course Leader: FERNANDA GIMENEZ

Salmon on the Puntledge River


Salmon stocks across Vancouver Island are facing numerous challenges. The Puntledge River Hatchery in Courtenay is part of a Fisheries and Oceans effort to restore the chinook salmon - and other species - to the Puntledge. Course Leader: LAURA TERRY

Comox Valley: Early Europeans


 By the early years of the nineteenth century, Vancouver Island was undisputed British territory, but there were no governmental structures. When American settlers began to move westward, coal was discovered on the Island, and there was a gold rush on the Fraser River, change was inevitable. The first Europeans began to trickle in, and these were tough, courageous, and determined people.  Course Leader: CHRISTINE DICKINSON