Advance your woodworking, joinery and cabinetmaking skills with SkilledTradesBC approved apprenticeship curriculum. Apprentice training builds on your foundation skills as you pursue your Red Seal certification. NIC works closely with industry to ensure your apprenticeship training is of the highest quality.
The program webpages contain extensive information about curriculum, admission, highlights, costs and schedule. Please email your question here if you cannot find what you are looking for on the program page. Be sure to note your program of interest in the subject line. Alternatively, you can make an appointment to meet with an advisor through the online booking system.
The apprenticeship training focuses on using larger stationary machines to construct sashes, doors and frames while fabricating and assembling specialty items. This career path will take you to the next level as a professional Cabinetmaker (Joiner) in furniture manufacturing, cabinetmaking, marine joinery and self-employment.
Stephen McIntosh, Cabinetmaker (Joiner) instructor