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Explore education, career options at...
March 9, 2023
North Island College (NIC) is encouraging people to explore their education options and career opportunities at its open campus festivals across the region this month.
Campbell River NIC FEST: CareerCentral...
March 9, 2023
Do you want to connect with local employers, industry representatives and learn more about career opportunities after you graduate?
Comox Valley NIC FEST Keynote Speaker:...
March 9, 2023
What should I do with my life? It's okay not to know.
NIC in the News: Motion Picture Training...
March 8, 2023
NIC Motion Picture Training students celebrated the completion of their program.
Explore education, career options at...
March 3, 2023
North Island College (NIC) is encouraging people to explore education options and career opportunities at its open campus festivals across the region this month.