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See the world and earn college credits 

There’s a wide range of options for you to immerse yourself in new cultures, walk the streets of ancient cities, study at a foreign university and put your learning to work in the field — all while completing your education. Start your adventure today. 

Depending on your educational plans, you may be looking for a short-term travel option, such as enroling in an upcoming field school. Or maybe you’re interested in exploring longer-term study experiences, such as studying at Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen, Scotland while earning your NIC credential. Perhaps an exchange at Kyoto University of Foreign Studies is in your future.

2022 NIC Indigenous Language Revitalization Field School  with Kapi’olani Community College students and employees

Journeying Together

Our award winning international Indigenization plan. 

Read the plan

Placeholder image 20+ exchange partners
PLaceholder image 40+ study destinations
PLaceholder image Thousands in possible financial support 
Study Abroad

If you're interested in studying abroad, call us at 1-250-334-5033 or email us.