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NIC In the News: Coverage of seaweed...
We had lots of follow-up to the province’s Aug. 7 announcement about NIC and CARTI’s pilot program to expand opportunities in the seaweed industry.
NIC in the News: Student speaks about...
Student Sebastian Charlie was a guest on the CBC radio show, All Points West, recently to talk about his trip to Japan through an NIC field school program.
NIC in the News: Student housing award
A recent environmental award for HDR Architecture for its design of the new student housing at North Island College was highlighted earlier this month by Canadian Architect.
NIC programs for in-demand jobs receive...
People wanting in-demand, short-term skills training can get it at North Island College starting in the fall thanks to a StrongerBC future skills grant (FSG).
Island Health grant helps NIC trades...
A grant from Island Health will help promote Building Healthy Trades support for North Island College trades students this fall.