NIC’s Coastal Log Scaling program prepares you to measure and categorize logs by species and grade. The 12-week program begins this February in Campbell River.
NIC’s Coastal Log Scale training is returning to Campbell River for students interested in combining working outdoors with log measurement, grading and data entry.
The 12-week program starts this February.
Log scalers play a vital role in BC’s forest industry, measuring and categorizing logs by species and grade to determine their volume and value with the BC metric scale. The BC metric scales drive the stumpage system – the tax the crown puts on logs coming out of the forest.
“We make sure all logs harvested are accurately scaled and graded and are processed in a way that makes the most of the resource,” said Scott McKillop, NIC’s Coastal Log Scaling instructor. “It brings together the physical work with calculations and data entry. It’s a great job for people looking for that mental engagement who also enjoy working in the outdoors.”
Students learn how to identify log species, grade logs and learn the steps involved in weight scaling.
“It’s a great program for people who might already be working in the industry and want to expand their skills,” he said. “Understanding how to properly value logs is an advantage when you work in the forest sector.”
The training will be a combination of in-class learning and fieldwork. The in-class portion will be delivered digitally, so students will need access to a computer and internet connection. Fieldwork will be done on local sites, with physical distancing and safety protocols to ensure student safety.
Applications for the training is open now. Students are encouraged to apply soon to secure their seat.
For more information, visit the Coastal Log Scaling program page.
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