Published on Nov 13, 2020

We’ve partnered with other Vancouver Island institutions (VIU, RRU, and Camosun) to bring you something BIG: Beyond 2020 – the first ever multi-institutional virtual career fair on Vancouver Island!

Here are some things you can do before, during, and after the event:

Prepare Like a Pro!

Register Early – There are a limited number of virtual student spots for this event. Once you register, you can start preparing your profile for employers to get an idea of who you are. You even have the ability to upload a professional photo and your resume (make sure your information is up-to-date!).

Research – You can also check out the employer booths ahead of time and do some research on companies that interest you. When the event is live, you can head straight to the booths that you’re interested in and start a virtual chat (text or video). If you prepare a short introduction of yourself and questions for them in advance, your conversation will go more smoothly and should create a lasting impression on the employers you engage with.

Check your Tech – Make sure you have stable internet and a quiet space for the day of the virtual career fair. Your background (what the employers can see if you turn your video on) should be organized and undistracting. Test your sound, microphone, and camera, and use a headset if necessary. Lastly, make sure your camera is set-up so you’re in the centre of the screen. You don’t want your face to be cut off if an employer wants to have a video conversation! Don’t have stable internet connection at home? Book a library study room on campus so you can connect stress free.

During the Event

Dress to Impress – You only get one chance to make a good first impression so make it count just like at a real career fair or when you go to an interview.  Wear nice, professional-looking clothes that represent the type of job and industry you’re aspiring to work in.

Engage - Make sure your ‘chat availability’ is turned on so employers can connect with you. Click on the booths you’re interested and start chatting. If certain booths are busy, you can get in-line with multiple booths at the same time while you wait your turn for them to be available. You will hear a ‘ping’ notification when it’s your turn to chat (make sure your sound is on) and you will be brought directly to the chat screen. Just like in real-life, you should respond to an employer in a timely manner. 

Prize Possibilities – There is the opportunity to win prizes! Prize entries are based on your engagement, so this means, asking questions or making comments in the chat box after the live presentations, chatting with employers, and engaging in the Networking Room. The event organizers will be able to see every student’s engagement statistics and will award the students with the highest amount of interactions soon after the event.

After the Event

Follow-Up – Don’t be shy about following up with employers that resonated with you. Send them a thank-you email and/or connect with them on LinkedIn. In addition, you can consider sending them your targeted resume or additional materials that may boost your chances of getting a job (e.g. certifications, sample of work, etc.).

Lastly, you can follow organizations you’re interested in on social media. Just be sure that your own social media accounts are professional (or set to ‘private’) in case an employer wants to find out more about you.

Good luck and make NIC proud by being an engaged attendee! Be sure to stop by the NIC booth and tell us how it’s going! See you there!

For more information about the virtual career fair and to register: