NIC Youth Academy summer camps are returning for summer 2021, with a new line-up of camps for kids from 9-16.
The camps combine fun and hands-on learning in a variety of areas including STEM (science, technology, engineering and math), health, language arts and more.
“Youth Academy camps are a great opportunity for students to explore their interests and develop new skills,” said Ali Sandholm, NIC youth & community outreach liaison. “We’re thrilled to be able to offer the camps this year, with full health and safety plans in place to ensure the safety of all our students.”
Camps run through July and August from 9 am-3 pm Monday to Friday, and will be offered in Campbell River, Comox Valley, Port Alberni and Tofino.
Full list of camp offerings:
- NICBot Camp — Students learn how to build, program and control Lego EV3 Robots. (Comox Valley, July 5-9 and August 23-27; Campbell River, July 19-23 and August 16-20; Port Alberni, August 9-13; and Tofino, August 3-6).
- NICBot Camp (Girls only) — Students will explore building, programming and controlling Lego EV3 Robots while connecting with other girls who share an interest in robotics. (Comox Valley, July 12-16; Campbell River, July 26-30).
- Mad Scientist — Explore optics in physics, create reactions in chemistry, and navigate the wonders of life in biology. (Comox Valley, July 5-9 and August 9-13).
- S.T.E.A.M Teens — Combines art with STEM to ignite students’ inner creativity. (Comox Valley, July 19-23).
- CODE-Con — Learn popular coding languages and how to program creative digital projects. (Comox Valley, July 26-30).
- Future Health Leaders — An interactive, four-day camp that explores professions in Health and Human Services. (Comox Valley, August 3-6).
- Jr. Adventure Guides — Students learn the fundamentals of wilderness safety and survival, navigation and orienteering and take part in fun outdoor challenges. (Comox Valley, Aug 16-20).
- French Language Camp — Prepare for high school this September with activities, games, and challenges – all in French. (Comox Valley, Aug 23-27).
For more information, including costs and registration information, visit