The Canadian seaweed industry requires high-value products that reflect the local, organic, and eco-friendly farming and processing practices. This project will address methods for processing kelp species into value-added products.

Project Dates: June 2022 – September 2022

Funding Amount: $30,000

Number of Student Researchers: 1

Project Summary

Sea Forest Macro Algae Ltd. aims to spearhead the underdeveloped seaweed-based food market in Canada by producing a variety of food products. Seaweed can be enjoyed as a dried, pickled, or fermented snack, but little is documented about turning Canadian seaweed species into valuable products such as pastas or noodles. Establishing the equipment and processing procedures required to create these products in a systematic and commercially viable way is a key part of the project NIC aims to address.

Research Team

Logan Zeinert
Logan Zeinert


Kristina Long
Kristina Long

Founder/CEO Sea Forest


Melissa Roberts
Melissa Roberts

Student Research Assistant



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