NIC nursing student Kyle Scott and Dr. Harry Panjer, vice president of the Comox Valley Community Foundation, which supports students through the Comox Valley Community Foundation’s Harold Rodney Christie Award. The NIC Foundation distributed more than $200,000 in scholarships and bursaries to NIC students in the Comox Valley this year – almost $20,000 more than last year.
More than 170 NIC students in the Comox Valley received a record $200,000 in NIC scholarships and bursaries this year, thanks to generous NIC donors.
Theresa Clement, a recipient of an Inspired Women’s Award and a Rotary Club of Courtenay Award, shared her gratitude with donors at a recent awards reception in Courtenay.
“When I found out I had received a bursary, it literally brought tears to my eyes,” said Clement. “The thought of someone lending such a massive hand to me was overwhelming. On behalf of all of the students who received assistance from donors, thank you. Without your contribution, many of the students you see in this room today, myself included, would not have the means to work toward a better life for ourselves and be able to give back in the future.”
Ilona Horgen, NIC Foundation Board Chair shared her passion for lifelong learning and belief that all people, no matter their circumstances or age, should have access to post-secondary education.
“You are instrumental to ensuring access to education and positively impacting lives – thank you,” she said.
The NIC Foundation distributed a record $375,000 in awards this year to 415 NIC students in the Comox Valley, Campbell River, Port Alberni, Port Hardy and across the region.
The NIC Foundation has been advancing student success, education and community growth through NIC for more than 26 years. It supports NIC students through scholarships and bursaries, equips classrooms with current technology and ensures the best possible learning facilities are accessible on the Central and North Island. It envisions a future where every student has the opportunity to pursue post‐secondary education, train for a new career or develop employable skills to support themselves and their families.
To make a difference in the lives of post‐secondary students, call the NIC Foundation at 250-334-5085 or visit
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