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NIC in the News: Biosphere teaching...
North Island College is mentioned in a piece on Nuu-chah-nulth’s future Clayoquot Sound Biosphere Centre in Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations territory.
NIC Foundation report shows almost a...
More than 500 North Island College students received support in the last year through the NIC Foundation (NICF) because of community donors’ gifts worth almost $1 million.
NIC in the News: Culinary program in...
North Island College has made the cut on a recent list of best culinary schools in Canada.
Engaging with refugee students in Jordan...
North Island College staff member Danielle Hoogland had an eye-opening opportunity this fall to work with refugee students in the Middle East.
NIC participates in partnership promoting...
Students from North Island College are connecting with counterparts in the U.S. and Mexico to explore what it means to have a more inclusive, prosperous and climate-resilient hemisphere through regional education co-operation and exchanges.