An anonymous survey is being conducted on behalf of the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training to better understand student perceptions of sexual violence at BC public post-secondary institutions.
Date: Feb 28, 2022 - Mar 18, 2022The results will be used by NIC and other BC post-secondary institutions to inform policies and programs that create a safer and healthier learning environment for students.
A general representation of NIC students will be asked to participate via a link sent to your NIC email.
You will be asked about your perceptions of the culture at your school as well as your access to information and resources. At no time will you be asked to disclose information about personal experience related to acts of sexual violence.
Although the survey does not ask questions about personal experience with sexual violence, it does refer to acts or attempted acts related to sexual violence, including lack of consent. You will have the option of exiting the survey at any time.
If you have any questions about the survey, contact Felicity Blaiklock at
The following supports are available for survivors and others impacted by sexualized violence. Please reach out if you need to talk.
- NIC Counselling Services (Monday-Friday 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM)
- Early Assist: (Monday-Friday 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM)
- VictimLink BC Crisis support and legal help: 24-hour support, information, referrals for victims of crime 1-800-563-0808
- Vancouver Island Crisis Line 24-hour support, information and referrals: 1-800-784-2433