Published on Mar 15, 2022

Representatives from NIC, the NIC Foundation and the Campbell River Hospital Foundation gather with Mike and Janice Kenny (centre) to thank them for their donation of $560,000.

Photo, left to right: Sandra Harrison - NIC Foundation Board Chair, Myra Egan - Campbell River Hospital Foundation Board Chair, Lisa Domae - NIC President, Stacey March - Campbell River Hospital Foundation Executive Director, Mike Kenny - Donor, Janice Kenny - Donor, Diane Naugler - NIC Foundation Executive Director, Prachi Kulkarni - NIC Practical Nursing student, Taya Seeley - NIC Practical Nursing student

A Campbell River family is investing in the future of the community with a $560,000 donation to the North Island College Foundation and the Campbell River Hospital Foundation.

Long-time residents Mike and Janice Kenny chose to give back to the community that has been so kind to them.

“We love Campbell River, it has been so good to us and supported our businesses over the years,” said Mike Kenny.

“Together, we wanted to say thank you and ensure that others have the opportunity to be successful in this beautiful community,” echoed Janice.

True Campbell River locals, the Kenny family donation is an investment in the future of the region and creates a legacy of good will and generosity that will have incredible ripple effects. North Island College Foundation and Campbell River Hospital Foundation are grateful for the Kenny family’s foresight and deep love for their city.

“The Kenny’s donation in support of learners at NIC is going to contribute to the health and wellness of the region for generations to come,” said Diane Naugler, NIC’s Director Future Students & Community Engagement and NIC Foundation’s Executive Director. “Their contribution will be used to create an endowed fund, which will provide significant tuition support to students for years to come. The financial boost of a bursary creates stability and allows students to focus on their studies.”

“Mr. and Mrs. Kenny’s incredible contribution will help to ensure that Campbell River Hospital is equipped to advance the healthcare of all generations,” said Stacey Marsh, Executive Director of the Campbell River Hospital Foundation. “Our hospital is the first point of referral for emergencies and illness for Campbell River and North Vancouver Island and their gift has funded vital and lifesaving equipment for Surgical Services, Emergency Department, Medical Imaging and Yucalta Lodge. We are exceedingly grateful to the Kenny’s.”

About the Campbell River Hospital Foundation

The Campbell River Hospital Foundation is a registered charity dedicated to raising funds to support the Campbell River Hospital and Yucalta Lodge through equipment purchase, staff education and special projects that help enhance the service and treatment of patients and residents.

For further information how you can support the doctors, nurses and other key members of your local healthcare team, and help ensure that you and your loved ones continue to receive first-class healthcare right here at home call 250-286-7164 or visit

About the NIC Foundation

The NIC Foundation has been advancing student success, education and community growth through NIC since 1992. It supports NIC students through scholarships and bursaries, classroom equipment and technology investments with the goal of providing the best possible learning facilities are accessible on the NIC region. It envisions a future where every student has the opportunity to pursue post‐secondary education, train for a new career or develop employable skills to support themselves and their families.

To support the NIC Foundation and make a difference in the lives of post‐secondary students, call 250-334-5074 or visit


For additional information contact:

Stacey Marsh
Executive Director
Campbell River Hospital Foundation

Diane Naugler
Executive Director
North Island College Foundation