Published on May 21, 2022

NIC is celebrating Go By Bike Week!

Date: May 30, 2022 - Jun 5, 2022

This year’s theme is #AnyRideCounts – walking, cycling, transit, car pooling. Whether you’re going to and from work, to get groceries, to get some fresh air or meet up for a coffee with friends, trail rides, pump track laps, recreational rides – every thing counts.

Each NIC campus has a team this year. The NIC teams are open to anyone who wants to join: employees, students, partners, friends. All are welcome!

How to join

Step 1: Create an account

Go to and create an account

Step 2: Join a Team

Click on Team at the top of the page.

Search by Organization: North Island College

Pick your local campus team to join:

  • Port Alberni: NIC PApeddlers 
  • Campbell River: NICcycles CR 
  • Comox Valley: NIC ontheMove
  • Mixalakwila: MX it UP! 

Step 3: Log your ride

Each day, go to the site and log your ride (or walk).

Each team will do a daily prize draw. Log your ride by 5pm to be entered.

Step 4: Share your ride

Share your ride on social media with the hashtags:

Tips and Resources has safety tips along with resources and videos.

For Comox Valley riders, the Comox Valley Cycling Coalition has interactive cycling maps and other resources.