Published on Oct 20, 2021

Diane Naugler, Executive Director of the NIC Foundation receives $30,000 from NISU staff members Emma Warren, Campus and Community Relations and Carissa Wilson, Executive Director.

Fifty more NIC students will receive financial support for their education, thanks in part to a $30,000 donation form the North Island Students’ Union (NISU).

The donation is part of the Supportive Communities Build Remarkable Futures: COVID-19 Student Hope Campaign, which has raised $50,000 over the past 10 months in support of students.

“We are deeply grateful and honoured to receive NISU’s gift,” said Diane Naugler, NIC Foundation Executive Director. “Their leadership and incredible support of students through the pandemic is very much appreciated.”

For the past 30 years, NISU has been active in offering services to support their members while advocating for high-quality, affordable and accessible public post-secondary education.

“This donation is in recognition of NISU’s 30 years of service to our members, all NIC students,” said Carissa Wilson, NISU’s Executive Director. “This is a very important cause for us because we know first-hand the devastation this pandemic has had on NIC students and students around the world.”

“Bursaries impact students’ success by taking some of the pressure off. Instead of working 30 hours per week, students can work 10. For students, a huge part of receiving a bursary is knowing that someone believes in them – the feeling of being supported in moments of struggle helps students feel more empowered to try harder, to persevere and reminds them of the community behind them.”

Garry Griffin, Chair of the NIC Foundation Board of Directors, thanked the community for their support.

“Community members and organizations across the NIC region and beyond came together to support this campaign for students and to make a difference in supporting economic recovery,” said Griffin. “On behalf of the Board of Directors, thank you to NISU for their continued support and to all our donors for building remarkable futures for NIC students.”

The NIC Foundation has been advancing student success, education and community growth through NIC for 30 years. It supports NIC students through scholarships and bursaries, equips classrooms with current technology and ensures the best possible learning facilities are accessible on the Central and North Island. It envisions a future where every student has the opportunity to pursue post‐secondary education, train for a new career or develop employable skills to support themselves and their families.

To make a difference in the lives of post-secondary students and invest in NIC students, call the NIC Foundation at 250-334-5074 or visit