Learn how to make groupwork a more positive experience.
Date: Mar 24, 2022 - Mar 29, 2022 Location: Village Annex 2, Comox Valley campusDo you want to know how to better communicate in a team? Learning how to work effectively in groups is beneficial for both your college work and future employment.
In this 45-minute workshop you will discover how to better understand group dynamics and communication in teams. These sessions are facilitated by Sofie Tirez and Céline Vandendaele visiting NIC from Belgium. They are completing a traineeship for their MA in Education and offer a unique perspective, as they are both students and teachers in training.
We will cover themes such as why it is important to work together, differences in how people interact with each other (and the influences of diversity), and factors that can help or obstruct working well together.
If you are interested in signing up for this workshop, please email Margaret Hearnden (Margaret.Hearnden@nic.bc.ca) and let her know which session(s) you would like to attend. Light snacks and refreshments will be provided.
Session 1: Thursday, March 24, 4-5pm (registration deadline: Wednesday, March 23)
Session 2: Tuesday, March 29, 12-1pm (registration deadline: Monday, March 28)
Workshops are also being held for NIC Faculty: Making Group Work, Work for Students