Members of the NIC community are invited to a monthly 90-minute Dialogue through which we will find pathways to action.
Date: Mar 16, 2022Time: 10 am - 11:30 am Location: BlueJeans; email for linkThe Truth and Reconciliation Dialogues are monthly 90-minute facilitated gatherings through which we will find pathways to action.
Our goal is to create spaces for constructive conversation centred around Reconciliation and Reconcili-Action.
Join us in this opportunity to gather, join in the dialogue, and listen to the perspectives of others in a culturally inclusive space. Joining our dialogues, will support our collective and/or individual commitment to action items identified during each gathering.
Dialogue 3 – Decolonization: Wednesday, March 16, 10-11:30 am
The undoing or unsettling of colonial structures and powers in such ways that the redoing, revitalizing, reaffirming and recovery of local Indigenous ways of knowing, being, doing and language are made possible. Decolonization must be Indigenous designed, delivered and lead from a local context.
Please also join us for future dialogues. You can find the complete list here.