This project evaluates the outcomes of first year nursing students experiencing an immersive learning collaboration with remote First Nations communities.

Project Dates: March 2018 – March 2020

Funding Amount: $212,067

Students Hired: 2

Project Summary

First Nations communities on Vancouver Island are working with North Island College nursing faculty and students to design an immersive learning experience in their communities. These experiences will reflect the uniqueness of each community and will serve to provide an opportunity for nursing students to live in and learn from a remote First Nations community.

Project outcomes

Research team

Joanna Fraser
Joanna Fraser, RN BSN MCE EdD


Evelyn Voyageur, PhD
Evelyn Voyageur, PhD


Jocelyne Van Neste Kenny
Jocelyne Van Neste-Kenny

Former Dean of Health, Human Services and Applied Business Technology at NIC

Jennifer Spurr
Jennifer Spurr

BSN student

Kate Moynihan
Kate Moynihan

BSN student

Placeholder for Victoria Dick
Partner Name

BSN student

Placeholder for Heather McAnsh
Heather McAnsh

BSN student





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