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Career-ready training for the marine industry 

We offer a wide range of Transport Canada and industry-recognized courses to help experienced mariners level up their skills and provide a solid foundation for new workers to break into the sector.

Register for individual courses or bundle training opportunities together to qualify to write certification exams from Transport Canada, Industry Canada and Canadian Power Squadron. 


Register now for these upcoming opportunities. Can’t see what you’re looking for? Try our course search or contact us.


Chartwork and Pilotage Level 1

NAU 038

Chartwork and Pilotage Level 2

NAU 032

Domestic Vessel Safety (DVS)

MED 032 (formerly Med A1)

Marine Basic First Aid & CPR C

FAC 082

Marine Advanced First Aid and CPR C

FAC 084

Navigation and Safety 1

NAU 039

Restricted Operator Certificate - Maritime (ROC-M)

NAU 016

Restricted Operator Certificate - Maritime Commercial (ROC-MC)

NAU 051

Simulated Electronic Navigation Ltd (SEN-L)

NAU 030

Ship Construction and Stability Level 3

NAU 023

Small Non-pleasure Domestic Vessel Basic Safety (SDV-BS)

MED 003 (formerly Med A3)

Small Vessel Operator Proficiency Training Course (SVOP)

NAU 005

Certification pathways

Marine Emergency Duties (MED) – Domestic

  • MED training is a requirement for working on all commercial vessels. NIC’s MED courses provide an overview of marine and on-board hazards on small, domestic vessels, as well as the skills to cope with these hazards as part of crew members’ duties.
    Register for these NIC marine training courses
  • MED-032 Domestic Vessel Safety (DVS)
  • MED-003 Small Non-Pleasure Domestic Vessel Basic Safety (SDV-BS)
Marine First Aid

  • First aid certification is a key requirement if you’re looking for work aboard commercial ships, fishing vessels, the Canadian Coast Guard or BC Ferries. It’s also a great option for pleasure boat operators who want to be prepared on the water.
    Register for these NIC marine training courses
  • FAC-082 Marine Basic First Aid and CPR C
  • FAC-084 Marine Advanced First Aid and CPR C

Professional Radio Operator Certificates

  • Radio operator certifications ensure you’re proficient in marine communication. The Restricted Operator Certificate – Maritime (ROC-M) is mainly intended for pleasure boaters and certificates are issued by the Canadian Power and Sail Squadrons. The Restricted Operator Certificate – Maritime Commercial (ROC-MC) is intended for mariners serving on commercial ships fitted with global maritime distress and safety systems operating within the North American A1 Sea Area. ROC-MC is an Industry Canada-issued certification. Both ROC-M and ROC-MC certificates are good for life.
    Register for these NIC marine training courses
  • NAU-016 Restricted Operator Certificate – Maritime (ROC-M)
  • NAU-051 Restricted Operator Certificate – Maritime Commercial (ROC-MC)
Simulated Electronic Navigation Limited (SEN-L)

  • Our SEN-L course meets the requirements of the Marine Personnel Regulations for the Domestic Fishing, Chief Mate and Master certificates of competency. These competencies promote safety at sea and protection of the marine environment through responsible use of the electronic navigation systems and instruments typically found onboard coastal vessels.
    Register for these NIC marine training courses
  • NAU-030 Simulated Electronic Navigation Limited (SEN-L)

Certificates of Competency

Depending on the size/type of vessel and voyages you want to work on, you will be required to earn certain COC/OCCs - and our training can help you earn your qualifications faster. Issued by Transport Canada, certification requirements usually include coursework, work experience at sea, a seafarer’s medical exam and an oral exam with a Transport Canada examiner. Browse the list of CoC/OCCs below, as well as our suggested bundle of NIC marine courses to register for. Be sure to confirm CoC/OCC requirements with Transport Canada. 

fishing boats in a harbour
Small Vessel Operator Proficiency (SVOP)

  • This certification allows you to safely operate a small, commercial power vessel, specifically: Commercial vessels, other than tugs and fishing vessels, up to five gross tonnes engaged on a near coastal, Class 2 or sheltered waters voyage Fishing vessels up to 15 gross tonnes or 12 meters in overall length engaged on a near coastal, Class 2 or a sheltered waters voyage You’ll also learn basic nautical terminology, vessel hull types and configurations, basic seamanship, collision regulations, stability, safety on the job, marine weather, navigation, distress signaling and rescue. This certification is often taken alongside MED A3 and ROC-M.
    Register for these NIC marine training courses
  • NAU-005 Small Vessel Operator Proficiency Training Course (SVOP)

young skipper steering a boat and talking on radio
Master, Limited (under 60GT)

  • This certification is for mariners operating commercial vessels less than 60 gross tonnes.
    Register for these NIC marine training courses
  • NAU-038 Chartwork and Pilotage 1
  • NAU-039 Navigation Safety 1
  • NAU-051 Restricted Operator Certificate – Maritime Commercial (ROC-MC)
  • MED-032 Domestic Vessel Safety (DVS)
  • FAC-082 Marine Basic First Aid and CPR C

captain on deck of bridge of vessel or ship
Master 150 Gross Tonnage (Domestic)

  • This certification is for master mariners operating a vessel of no more than 150 gross tonnes engaged on a near coastal voyage, Class 2; and master mariners on vessels of no more than 500 gross tonnes engaged on a sheltered waters voyage.
    Register for these NIC marine training courses
  • NAU-023 Ship Construction and Stability Level 3 (SCS 3)
  • NAU-030 Simulated Electronic Navigation Limited (SEN-L)
  • NAU-032 Chartwork and Pilotage Level 2
  • NAU-039 Navigation Safety 1
  • FAC-084 Marine Advanced First Aid and CPR C
Aerial shot of fishing vessel
Fishing Master, Third Class

  • This certification is for Master mariners on board a fishing vessel of any gross tonnage engaged on a near coastal or sheltered water voyage. It's also for Officers in charge of the watch of a fishing vessel of any gross tonnage engaged on an unlimited voyage
    Register for these NIC marine training courses
  • NAU-030 Simulated Electronic Navigation Limited (SEN-L)
  • NAU-032 Chartwork and Pilotage Level 2
  • NAU-051 Restricted Operator Certificate – Maritime Commercial (ROC-MC)
  • MED-032 Domestic Vessel Safety (DVS)
  • FAC-084 Marine Advanced First Aid and CPR C

Two people at the helm of a marine vessel
Fishing Master, Fourth Class

  • This certification is for: Master mariners on board a fishing vessel of no more than 100 gross tonnes engaged on a near coastal or sheltered water voyage Officers in charge of the watch of a fishing vessel of any gross tonnage engaged on a near coastal and sheltered waters voyage.
    Register for these NIC marine training courses
  • NAU-030 Simulated Electronic Navigation Limited (SEN-L)
  • NAU-038 Chartwork and Pilotage 1
  • NAU-039 Navigation Safety 1
  • NAU-051 Restricted Operator Certificate – Maritime Commercial (ROC-MC)
  • MED-032 Domestic Vessel Safety (DVS)
  • FAC-084 Marine Advanced First Aid and CPR C