Accessible learning services
Academic accommodations
If you have a disability that may impact your ability to complete your studies, NIC’s Department of Accessible Learning Services (DALS) can help. We’ll work with you to identify academic accommodations that will allow you to fully participate in classes and coursework.

Our accessible learning services team can support students with disabilities transitioning to NIC and help navigate the admission and registration processes smoothly.
How it works
Start by making an appointment with DALS. We’ll meet with you to review documentation of your disability — or, if you don’t have documentation of your disability, we will help you through the process of getting it.
Once we’ve identified your learning challenges, we’ll find academic accommodations that will help you succeed in your courses. The next step is an accommodation letter that will be shared with your instructors for the semester.
Starting each following semester, you can reach out to DALS and request your letter be released to your new instructors as needed.
You may realize during your studies that there are learning barriers for you that were not addressed in your initial accommodation letter. If that happens, don’t worry – reach out to us and we will work with you to put new accommodations in place if necessary.
Common types of accommodations
Note that these are examples only and you may be eligible for other types of support.
DALS will not release or share the personal information of future, current or past students who have used our services, except with a student’s prior informed consent or when we are required to do so by law.
Personal information that is shared with your instructions through our office will remain confidential and your instructor will only discuss this information with you.
If you choose to use our services, this will not be indicated on your academic records.