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If you need support but you’re not sure who to ask or where to look, we can help. Early Assist is a “one-stop shop” to get your questions answered and get connected with the resources you need – whether that’s financial aid, career advising or a variety of other on-campus services such as counselling or tutoring.

How it works

There are two ways to get in touch with the Early Assist team. 

1. Email us at We’ll get back to you with an answer or connect with you to discuss next steps or have a conversation.

2. Submit a referral through NIC’s Service Desk system. 

If there is immediate risk of harm to yourself or others, call 911.  

If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts and counselling services are not immediately available, call the Vancouver Island Crisis Line at 1-888-494-3888.

Community and crisis resources are also available 24-7. 

Frequently asked questions

No – your academic and financial records are not affected and using Early Assist will not show up on your records.

No –  you can choose to decline our support. If we reach out and do not hear back from you, we may try and contact you a few times just to make sure that you have received our messages and that you are OK.

No – using the program is free!

That’s up to you! We’ll work with you to connect you with the resources you need to succeed.

Yes – any personal information communicated through Early Assist is collected under the authority of the Freedom of information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA). This information is kept confidential and is stored separately from your academic records. The information will not be shared with your instructors without your consent. 


The Early Assist team uses the information to identify and offer supports and services if you’re struggling personally or academically. Your information will only be shared under specific circumstances, such as when there are serious safety concerns or if we are required by law to release the information. 

Information for NIC employees 

NIC staff and faculty who are concerned about a student’s academic or personal well-being may submit a referral on their behalf. Learn more about the process.