Campus closure and severe weather procedures
We prioritize the safety of all students, staff and visitors.
In the event of hazardous weather or other safety concerns, closures or adjustments to services may be necessary. Please find important closure information below and always keep safety in mind.
Campus closure and safety procedures
We close one or more campuses because of extreme weather (like dangerous winds, heavy snow or other hazardous conditions) and suspend in-person activity, services and programming. We make the decision to close campuses or facilities with careful consideration of several factors, including safety, weather forecasts and accessibility.
We understand that road conditions can vary and that buses may be delayed during bad weather. Your safety is the most important thing, so please use your best judgment in deciding what’s safe for you. If you're unable to make it to campus, we recommend informing your instructors or supervisor.
Additionally, when campuses are closed all buildings are alarmed and secured. Roads,
as well as parking lots may also be inaccessible until they are cleared. Please do
not attempt to travel to a closed campus until it has officially reopened.
How weather closures are decided
Monitoring conditions
NIC’s Facilities Services department tracks weather reports, RCMP advisories, and road conditions. They consult with local organizations (e.g., school districts and transit services) to assess the situation.
Decision factors
Decisions to close a campus are made based on safety factors, including weather conditions, road accessibility, and guidance from local authorities and public organizations. We also monitor the actions of neighboring transit systems and institutions to help inform our decision.
Key decision-makers
NIC’s VP, Finance & College Services and Director of Facilities make the initial decisions about campus closures. Please note that if either of the primary decision-makers is unavailable, the VP, Academic or other designate will step in.
Weather closure response group
This group is made up of members of NIC administration community and include representatives from the Comox Valley, Campbell River, Port Alberni and Mixalakwila campuses
Timeline for decision-making
- 5:45 – 6:00 am: a preliminary closure decision is expected to be made.
- 6:30 am: the expectation is that a final closure decision will be confirmed and communicated.
How we communicate a closure
NIC website homepage
The closure announcement will first be posted on the homepage of NIC’s website. This should always be your first stop for information regarding closures.
Regroup notifications
Regroup is NIC’s mass communication tool and is used to share critical updates in times of need, such as severe weather alerts and campus closures. With Regroup, text and/or email notifications will be sent to the NIC community. Students and staff are encouraged to ensure all contact information is up to date, including cell phones, through the Self-Service Portal on myNIC.
Social media
Updates will be posted on NIC’s social media platforms (Facebook and Instagram).
Phone messages
Registrar’s Office will update phone messages to reflect the closure status.
Local radio, print and tv stations may share closure information during their broadcasts; however, please refer to NIC’s website for the latest developments.
If severe weather occurs during the workday, the same decision making and communication
steps will be followed.
Work and study remotely
While in-person campus activities, services and programming may be suspended during a campus closure, digital classes and work activities will continue remotely.
Important: digital classes and independent practicums will continue as scheduled unless you're otherwise informed by your instructor or supervisor.
If you have any questions about your ability to work or study during a campus closure,
please reach out to your instructor or supervisor for guidance.
Emergency procedures and first aid
First Aid
Each campus has certified first aid attendants available daily. For assistance, reach out to NIC Health and Safety or Facilities.
Personal Safety
If you notice something suspicious or feel unsafe, please immediately contact Student Services or Facilities. After hours, reach out to our uniformed security personnel. In case of emergency,
dial 911.